Wed, October 23, 2024

Baidu PR Head Out After Glorifying Overwork Sparks Public Outrage

Charu Thakur
Updated on June 25, 2024
baidu pr head fired

Recently, a Chinese tech executive was under a lot of fire from the community after a comment about her supporting the toxic workplace culture in China went viral. This has also led to the said tech executive being fired from her current place of work.

Qu Jing, the former Vice President and Head of Communications at Baidu had sparked a public relations crisis for the Chinese search engine giant after her controversial comments hit a nerve with young workers in China who are fed up with long hours and relentless pressure at work.

In a series of short videos posted last week on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok, Qu discussed her dedication to her career, strict management style, and unwavering expectations of her direct report.

And that’s not all. 

In one video, she lashed out at an employee who refused to go on a 50-day business trip during the COVID-19 pandemic, when China imposed stringent travel restrictions and quarantines.

But now, following the public outcry, Qu has lost her own job at Baidu (BIDU), a person familiar with the matter told CNN on condition of anonymity. CNN has also seen a screenshot of an internal personnel system that appears to confirm she no longer works at the company.

Baidu did not immediately respond to any requests for comment by the media but by Thursday night, Qu had removed her title of “Baidu’s vice president” from her account on Douyin.

And later she apologized and commented that her posts did not speak for Baidu.

Charu Thakur
